With the devastation in Christchurch New Zealand over the last few weeks,I was blessed to come across some blogs that are requiring items to be made.. One is "softies for Christchurch ",making soft toys for the children and "hearts for Christchurch" where little stuffed hearts are being made with messages of hope. They will either hang them all together for the people of Christchurch to see and hopefully be able to distuibute them to the people who have lost so much, they need to know that others care and they hold a place in peoples hearts all over the world. We need thousands :) so lets get creating I say:)
I have cut a few out and make up 4 so far, they even said you can send them unstuffed and they will do that which helps when you are sending from a distance.
My son Joshua lives in Christchurch and is safe but was shaken up and of course eveybody that live in this beautiful city is affected. I can not imagine what they have to face each day and just continue to pray Gods mercy and love to surround them and that their needs are provided.
2 weeks ago
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